The Frail Human Psyche and Vaccination
When you encounter someone who still vaccinates, they often appear to be in the dark of the enormous dangers of vaccination that have been proven and recorded. When you understand the human psyche, this comes as no surprise.
The human psyche derives its’ base motivations for all behavior on the need to acquire additional safety and security. A person who already feels safe and secure, will still be driven by this base need but to a lesser extent compared to a person who’s traumatized, in fear and panicked. This is all proven and oddly enough, this is the exact science and psychology used against the vast majority of the population today regarding vaccinations.
Propagated Fear
The first thing we notice about vaccination propaganda is the fear, the panic and the trauma that swirls around all media and government vaccine promotion. Psychologists understand that fear lowers IQ to childlike levels and instantly primes an adult (now having the IQ of a child) to quickly look toward an adult or authority figure for direction, advice and to relieve the fear. Although this cycle of psychological manipulation was known by psychologists for hundreds of years, it has only been employed by the government and business in the last 100 years, to manipulate the minds of the public regarding issues like vaccination, war and other various propaganda-based advertising initiatives.

Back to the traumatized and panicked public
After the government and media drown them in a tsunami of fear-based vaccine lie-Ahria. As the fear increases inside the human psyche, the need to re-establish safety and security graduates from a base need to an instant requirement, which has to be satisfied at all costs and in short order. As the fear is increased, the psyche becomes primed to jump at any tabled solution that the adult or authority figure promises will remove the trauma.
In the psychology field
Specializing in the manipulation of an uninformed public, this is called the problem-reaction-solution cycle. Start with a goal in mind, even if it’s a sinister, dark and evil goal. The goal doesn’t matter because the research on this shows that you can have humans even kill themselves (like a kamikaze pilot for example) if you execute this cycle effectively. Having people inject their kids with known poisons is child’s play when you do the research and obviously it works very well. Problem-Reaction-Solution. Create the problem yourself, guide the reaction of the public (one of panic and outrage, needing immediate action, the sky is falling etc) and then table the solution you’ve always wanted, to a now traumatized public, so the herd keeps running right off the cliff’s edge, running after their need to re-establish lost safety and security.
This works for everything from 9/11 (going to take over other countries illegally) to vaccines and from bombing Syria to collecting additional taxes in order to fight fictitious enemies, which never existed in the first place. The Problem-Reaction-Solution cycle is the gift that keeps on giving for our social engineers. So when you see a person vaccinating themselves or their children and you wonder, “Does that person read or research anything? How can they not know how unhealthy vaccines are?”, understand one thing. The fast majority of people still vaccinating don’t care about the research and don’t even care about anything other than a very primal part of the human psyche that wants to regain safety and security by fitting in with the crowd, and by doing what they’re told because they’ve been conditioning to believe that doing what the crowd is doing and doing exactly what big brother tells them, is where they can find the most safety and security. When someone is panicked and in fear, the decision to vaccinate moves away from logic, rational thought or even the consideration of the child or the listed adverse vaccine reactions. When panicked the only decision the mind is capable of is, “How do I find safety and security for myself again?” When panicked, the decision becomes about the now frail ego and the safety it demands…and nothing else. When a parent is in fear, a concern for themselves is forefront and the concern for the child takes a back seat. This is why most doctors, governments and the media use fear in all their vaccine promotions, to maintain a trauma-based control over the population. This is the science and psychology of manipulation that’s used against the uninformed public today on many issues (not just vaccination) and it’s as effective as it is sinister.
Disclaimer: All the content here is solely for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your medical practitioner if you have concerns. The information, suggestions or remedies mentioned on this site are provided without warranty of any kind; whether expressed or implied. This information is provided so that you can make truly informed decisions.