Hello and welcome!
My name is Nicole and I would like to introduce myself. I am a mom of 3, a wife, and a nurse. What led me to where I am today has been quite the journey of discovery and learning. I struggled with some health issues and after years of struggling to find the cause of my symptoms I finally came across the reason. One of the things that my condition does is that it makes it difficult for my body to detox on its own. So not only have I woken up to the chemicals and toxins in our personal care, cleaning products, and food, but they may have been affecting me more than the average person.

So not only did I WANT to do better, but I NEEDED to do better. With finally getting answers after 14 years of suffering came the realization of what needed to be done and I quickly realized how overwhelming the process was going to be. I figured if the process was that overwhelming for me then I am sure others were maybe struggling as well. So, I wanted to share the research and resources I have compiled over the years with others to aid in their searches as well.
The resources I provide here are all ones that I believe are only of benefit. Many of them I have personally used myself, which is why I am recommending them to others. None of this is of course medical advice and I cannot tell you what you should do. You should always seek guidance from a medical professional. And when I say this, I am recommending to see a functional or naturopathic doctor over an allopathic doctor. Seeing a doctor of allopathic medicine will almost never give you real answers. That type of medical model is good for life saving measures and not so much getting to the root cause of your symptoms and most definitely not healing them. They will diagnose a condition and prescribe you a pill instead that they will generally say will be lifelong…but why not fix the problem by getting to the cause of it instead?
I quit my nursing job due these differences in perspective I have acquired over the years.
I was going to doctor appointments monthly if not sometimes more than one specialist in a months time for 14 years. I was told the same thing appointment after appointment. Your tests came back normal. I don’t know what is causing your symptoms, but here’s a pill for you to manage it. That list grew to over 20 prescriptions all throughout my 20’s and into my 30’s. I was miserable.
At one point my doctor even sent me for psych testing because of my mental health and they basically told me that all the symptoms were in my head. Not that I was imagining them he said, they were very real symptoms, but that I was creating them myself. Why on God’s green earth would I make myself feel the way that I was feeling?! I was experiencing, hypotension, hypoglycemia, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, blurred vision that would come and go. I developed Raynaud’s disease, my tongue felt like I burnt it, all the time, I had brain fog, memory issues, word recall at times, depression, anxiety, shortness of breath, a chronic cough, insomnia, eye twitching, slowed reflexes, migraines, visual disturbances, a plethora of gut issues…I could go on but you get the idea. There was a lot going on. The various symptoms would come and go. They weren’t all at the same time. Each time a new symptom would appear I would go to the doctor in hopes that would be the missing link and I would finally get answers…but I did not.
I was always unhappy after leaving the doctor without answers. I would always ask, “What is causing this to happen?” And I would always get the same response, the cause is unknown. What crap!
After so many years of seeking out answers I finally came to the conclusion that if I wanted a different response then I had to take different steps to get there. At this point I had my suspicions of what was causing all my symptoms after doing my own research and trying to get some answers. So, I scheduled with a naturopathic doctor. The very first appointment she confirmed my suspicions and knew exactly what was causing my various symptoms. THE VERY FIRST TIME MEETING HER! Had I done this 14 years ago when I was first having trouble my quality of life could have been drastically improved so long ago. What she told me was heavy metal and mold toxicity. I was suspecting heavy metal toxicity as I knew I had the MTHFR gene mutation (that I discovered and tested on my own, no doctor EVER suggested it) which makes it more difficult for my body to detox naturally as it should.
The mold toxicity threw me. I hadn’t been exposed to mold that I knew of in my environment and struggling with my symptoms for that many years just didn’t make sense to me. She wasn’t going to do testing as it was so expensive, and she said she was pretty certain those were the culprits. I opted for the testing anyways as I wanted concrete proof! And sure enough, she was right! She did some very comprehensive testing, none of which has EVER been done by any other doctor, and she was right about the causes: heavy metal and mycotoxin toxicity from mold.
It felt too good to be true! This changed my entire perspective on allopathic medicine. Hence why I quit my job. I felt so lied to and betrayed and wanted nothing to do with the sick care system we call health care.
The body is meant to be able to heal itself. However, with all of the various toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis these days, it can make it difficult for your body and toxins can start to build up and cause issues like what happened with me. All I did was some detox protocols and ionic foot detoxing and I feel better than I have in many years. Oh, and improved my gut health which I never knew was at the base of most of my issues. 80% of our immune system is in our guts. Our gut it what determines our overall health. With poor gut health you may not be absorbing nutrients properly, eliminating waste properly, you may experience a bacterial and/or yeast overgrowth…I could go on, but again, I think you get the idea. Gut health is extremely important and plays a key role in every other function in the body.
Anyways, enough of me rambling on. That is my story. I would love to hear yours and how you got to be on the journey you are on now and if there is anything I can do to help you.
Feel free to do some exploring! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me by filling in the form below. Thank you and happy learning. I hope this will help to ease your stress if you are also trying to go toxin free in your home. Good luck!