Does anyone else just despise going to the dentist or is that just me? I put it off and put it off and will admit that I am not good about going every year like it is recommended. Did you know that having poor dental hygiene could lead to other serious health issues? Having something such as gum disease could potentially lead to heart disease? Were you aware of that, because I was.
I am a nurse so I was aware of such things which is why I take my dental hygiene very seriously despite not going to the dentist yearly. And that is also the reason I am sharing this with you. The reason for this article is because I found out what is in our toothpaste and that the ingredients are actually toxic! Like what?!!!! Yes I said TOXIC! They are toxic to our health! Who knew? And yes, even the ones that the dentist gives out for free! This was very disheartening! Like we don’t have enough things in this world to watch out for, now we have to pay attention to what toothpaste we are using too! You have got to be kidding me!

It can be a common misconception that the ingredients in toothpaste are irrelevant because we don’t actually swallow it. Unfortunately, that is not the case. We can, and do, absorb it into our bloodstream through our mouth. So what is in our toothpaste and what harmful ingredients should we be aware of?
Fluoride is probably the number one ingredient. Of all the things to avoid I think this trumps them all. Over 95% of all toothpastes sold contain fluoride, and over 70% of our drinking water has fluoride added. When you go to the dentist what do they apply to your teeth? FLUORIDE!!!! According to the ICSC (International Chemical Safety Cards), ingesting fluoride can cause abdominal pain, burning sensation, convulsions, drowsiness, cough, diarrhea, sore throat, vomiting, and even unconsciousness. Personally, this is an ingredient I stay far away from, and even filter out of my drinking water. There are other safe alternative options that are just as effective at remineralization, without the risks.
Propylene Glycol
Propylene Glycol is a main ingredient in anti-freeze, de-icers, and paints. In toothpaste it is used to soften the product. The Material Data Safety Sheet for propylene glycol warns that it can be absorbed into the skin. It states that prolonged exposure can cause heart, brain, kidney, and liver abnormalities. It can also cause damage to the central nervous system, cause reproductive issues, and irritation to the eyes, lungs, and skin. Why would you want this put into your mouth?!? Yuck!

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) are foaming agents used in toothpastes and basically all cosmetics. So not necessary whatsoever.
SLES is a “milder” version of SLS that goes through an ethoxylation process which has a possibility to produce 1,4-Dioxane. 1,4-Dioxane is categorized as possibly carcinogenic to humans by IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer).
Besides the cancer possibility, the use of these products in toothpastes can also cause mouth and gum irritation, dryness of the oral cavity, canker sores, dry skin, or a reduction in taste receptors.
Carrageenan is an additive used as a thickening agent, found in some toothpastes and many processed foods. It is derived from red seaweed, allowing companies to claim it is a natural additive. This “natural” additive has been linked to ulcers, gastrointestinal inflammation, and colon tumors. Carrageenan may also be linked to rheumatoid arthritis, IBS, and colon cancer.
Parabens are used as preservatives to extend the shelf life of toothpastes and other cosmetics. They act as endocrine disruptors, mimicking hormones like estrogen in the body. There are animal studies that have shown parabens to cause reproductive harm. There are human studies that have shown association with decreased fertility in both males and females.
What to look for on the label:
- Ethylparaben
- Propylparaben
- Isobutylparaben
- Isopropylparaben
- Methylparaben
- Butylparaben

Any ingredient which ends in –paraben
Sometimes, companies like to hide the “-paraben” and will label the ingredients with abbreviations like ‘ethyl’, ‘butyl’, ‘methyl’ and ‘propyl’. So just make sure you’re always skeptical, even if the label looks good at first glance.
Diethanolamine (DEA)
Diethanolamine (DEA) is another foaming agent used in toothpastes and other cosmetics. It is labeled a 10 (1 being the safest, 10 being the most dangerous) on the EWG website, stating it is a human immune and respiratory allergen, skin allergen, and a possible human carcinogen.
Saccharin, also called sodium saccharin, is an artificial sweetener used in toothpastes. It is used to improve flavor. In a study done on rats and mice, this chemical increased the risk of bladder cancer and has ultimately been identified as a carcinogen.
Aspartame is another artificial sweetener used in over 6,000 products including pharmaceuticals, food, drinks, hygiene products. You name it and it is probably in there. Aspartame is a common sweetener found in products labeled “sugar free”. When aspartame is ingested, some of it is broken down into methanol, an alcohol. Our bodies then metabolize the methanol into formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen, linked to leukemia and tumor formation, but can also cause headaches, weakness, dizziness, memory loss or gastrointestinal issues. There are also studies that link this to Alzheimer’s disease.
Titanium Dioxide
Last, but certainly not least is Titanium Dioxide, a chemical compound commonly used in toothpastes to provide a white color with no added benefits. Unfortunately, titanium dioxide is also common in the cosmetics and food industries. According to a study done on pubertal mice resulting in sperm abnormalities, Titanium Dioxide is of high concern and increased vulnerability to children. IARC, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, has classified titanium dioxide as “possibly carcinogenic to humans,” based on studies that showed increased lung tumors in rats associated with titanium dioxide inhalation.
All we are trying to do is brush our teeth and rid ourselves of our stinky breath! I know, it’s tough to read about these things and realize we are constantly putting this stuff on or into our bodies and also our kids! Finding this out just makes me sick. How can people manufacturing these products sleep at night?! It is disgusting. And to think we’ve been using these products all these years with no questions asked. Well now that I have looked into it and found the truth my family has switched to a safe alternative, and we will NEVER go back. These alternatives are hard to find, but you better believe after reading everything you just read that it was well worth the trouble. If you are interested in finding a new brand toothpaste to use then visit my post that lists the toothpastes I have personally tried and recommend here.
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