The usage of an ionic foot bath is becoming more popular. But what exactly is an ionic foot bath, and what are the benefits of doing it? The Ionic Foot Bath assists your body’s natural detox pathways with detoxifying and promotes general wellness and healing.
It can alleviate things like asthma, allergies, and arthritis/joint pain to name just a few. In this post, we’ll look at the science behind this alternative medicine and some of the studies into its potential effects. Continue reading to learn more about how this incredible machine works and how you may benefit from it!

Is This Type of Detox Based on Fact or Myth?
You have probably seen the infomercials or heard through social media about people talking about foot patches or foot baths. I’m sure you have also heard the claims that they pull all the toxins out of your body through your feet. This leaves you with a patch or bath full of brown liquid (aka the toxins). But is it all just a scam? Do these things actually work and help to detox your body? Is there actual scientific proof to support these claims?
Ionic therapy is loosely linked to the work of Royal Raymond Rife. He was an American inventor who was considered to have discovered bioelectric medicine. According to his theory, viruses would be killed if exposed to the proper resonating frequency balance. This is much like a glass would be destroyed by a soprano’s high pitch.
Fast forward to the 21st century, when Dr. Mary Staggs applied this theory and others to create the first commercial ionic foot bath in 2001.
Who Doesn’t Like a Good Science Experiment?
Christine Adamo is a specialist from Pacific College Alumna and Oncology. She is a supporter of “true” ionic detoxes and uses them in her practice, particularly with her cancer patients to help with the side effects of chemotherapy.
First and foremost, I say “true” because Christine talks about the numerous fraudulent claims that the dark water created in the bath or patch is the consequence of toxins leaving the body. This isn’t true and the explanation isn’t quite that simple. The color of the water changes naturally as a result of a chemical interaction between the electrical arrays and salt water, not due to contaminants. So, don’t believe the infomercials; the toxins are actually the debris that begins to collect and float in the water.
Don’t just take Christine’s word for it – the scientific evidence speaks for itself. One way you can prove this by doing a urine PH test before and after the foot bath. But can a 30-minute detox really change the PH in the body?
Importance of Alkalinity
One mechanism of action for the foot detoxes is to make the body’s pH more “alkaline,” but what exactly is the importance of being alkaline?
An alkaline body is vital to one’s health. Diseases flourish in acidic environments. So, the less acidic and more alkaline your body is, the less likely you are to develop an illness like osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, etc.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), toxins and pollutants in our systems are responsible for up to 85% of all diseases because these things cause inflammation in the body. The human body performs optimally when the ions are 80 percent negative and 20 percent positive. So, how do we do this?
The foods that we eat have either acidic or alkaline properties. Check out the food chart for yourself below. The more foods that are alkaline that you can include in your diet, the better. I am not saying not to eat any food that have acid properties, but to try to eat more foods that are alkaline. Certain acidic foods still have plenty of health benefits.

When your body is more alkaline it helps the body’s natural cleansing process and strengthens the immune system. An ionic foot detox facilitates the alkalization process by removing “free radicals” from the body.

So How Does It Actually do this?
The ionizing machine works by electrolyzing the water into negative and positive ions by using an array that is placed into the tub of water. These small ions then pass through the thousands of pores that are in the bottoms of the feet.
Due to the small size of these ions, they are able to penetrate cell membranes and assist the cells in expelling trapped toxins through a process called osmosis.
This process is what causes the color change in the water. I am not referring to the orange/brown color as mentioned above, but all the other colors and matter in the water due to mixing with oils that are released from the sebaceous glands, dead skin cells, and the user’s own alkalinity/acidity.
Although the body may release some toxins through the feet this isn’t the main mechanism of action for the detox. Once the toxins are released from the cells, the majority of them will be excreted by the body’s natural detox pathways through urination, defecation, perspiration, and respiration.
A Very Important Question is then, does it work?
Christine’s experiment with the urine PH test says yes! The before test was more on the acidic side and after the detox it was in the middle of the spectrum right where it should be and noticeably more alkaline than before the detox.
The foot detox continues to alkalize the body and rid it of toxins up to 48 hours after the treatment. It is recommended to not eat/drink acidic foods after a treatment, to help better facilitate the detox process.
It’s important to aid in your body’s alkalizing process. You can’t just do the Ionic Foot Detox and expect to be fixed or cured. You have to take ownership of your own health and take the other steps necessary to support your body’s needs.
Other scientifically measured effects of this detox, besides alkalization, are lower blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol levels. A 2008 study by the Center for Research Strategies showed participants’ levels of aluminum to have decreased by 46% and arsenic levels to have decreased by 24% on average.
Who Should Be Doing Ionic Foot Detoxes?
If you want a short answer, everyone! There is not a ton of information on the safety of kids under the age of 4 doing foot detoxes so that is the youngest age I offer the foot detoxes to. There are supplements that younger kids can take safely though if you feel like they are being affected and you can find those here from Touchstone Essentials.
We are all so bombarded by toxins in today’s day and age. Although you can lessen your exposure to toxins, they are impossible to avoid altogether. They are in the food we eat, the water we drink, the products we use, and even the air we breathe. Like I said, they are everywhere!
The Environmental Working Group did a study on newborn babies. They tested the blood in the umbilical cords after birth. They found on average that there were 283 toxic chemicals present. Approximately half were cancer causing agents and half were known neurotoxins . WHAT?! These babies are literally being poisoned before they are even born! It’s no wonder there has been such a rise in autism. Children with autism or autism symptoms can also really benefit from Ionic Foot Detoxes and using the supplements from Touchstone Essentials. These are all things I use for myself and with my kids.
How Often Should Someone Do Ionic Foot Detoxes?
A good foot detox can do wonders for your overall health and wellbeing. But how often should you be doing them? The answer may surprise you. While detoxing once a week is generally recommended, some experts say that twice a week is even better.
The reason for a regular foot detox is because we are constantly exposed to toxins and chemicals as I mentioned above. Our bodies may benefit from a more frequent detox, which helps draw the toxins out so that our bodies can properly heal.
It’s important to listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any serious health concerns.
You Could Benefit from a Foot Detox Today!
If you’re looking for a comfortable, luxury foot treatment that can help improve your overall health then an Ionic Foot Bath may be the perfect option for you. Ionic Foot Detoxes are easy to use and provide a variety of benefits that can leave your feet feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. You can read more about the benefits here.
If you would like to get one scheduled, you can do so by clicking the button below.
Christine Adamo is a board certified integrative and natural medical physician in the state of California. She practices various forms of Eastern medicine including herbal medicine, nutrition, natural supplementation, acupuncture, and detoxification. She is a graduate of the Pacific College of Health and Science in San Diego. Her passion is in integrative oncology, providing specialized care for patients with cancer.
All the content here is solely for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your medical practitioner if you have concerns. The information, suggestions or remedies mentioned on this site are provided without warranty of any kind; whether expressed or implied. This information is provided so that you can make truly informed decisions.