Just like every other vaccine, the HPV vaccine has been touted as safe as effective. But is it really? When you look at the data surrounding this vaccine, it is anything but!
Known side effects of this vaccine are HPV itself and infertility. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. But isn’t it supposed to prevent HPV from occurring? It absolutely is! And yet, since the vaccine was introduced, HPV cases have only increased.

Alarming Data Exposed
Gardasil proved to be extremely dangerous, yet both Merck and the FDA ignored the alarming data and continued promoting it. Even as it resulted in unprecedented injuries, including autoimmunity, POTS, infertility, and death.
Did you know that the majority of positive HPV cases resolve on their own over time? Yet, a vaccine was created to treat, but why? Learn the sinister truth behind this vaccine and why it was created.
I found a very detailed analysis of this information and instead of trying to put all of this information together myself, I am going to refer you to this article to read all about it. It is very well written and contains a ton of info!
Read the real story of the HPV vaccine here.
Medical Freedom
I advocate for medical freedom and want people to be informed before making the decision to vaccinate. As hard as it is to try to stay in the middle of this topic it is becoming increasingly more difficult the more I learn. I now fully believe that these vaccines are all toxic and I don’t want people becoming injured from them so it’s difficult to tell anyone to weigh both the benefit and risk when at this point, I no longer believe there is a benefit.
Vaccine manufacturers at the very beginning may have had good intentions, but what vaccines have become is a cash cow for big pharma and are so unsafe. The industry thrnselv say they are unavoidably unsafe. It doesn’t help any that they aren’t held liable for any injuries. So, they really don’t have any incentive to even try to make them safer.

Read the Vaccine Inserts
Every insert for each vaccine has the statement that “[vaccine name] was not tested for carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, or toxicity.” Some even list not tested for effects on infertility. How is that considered safe without any of that testing being done? Because they know what the results of those tests would be, and they don’t want the public to be aware.
Just realize that health cannot be injected. It comes from within! Our God given immune system! Take care of your body and detox and don’t live in fear. If you want to learn more about vaccine safety, you can read about it here. The more you know, the less scared you become! So keep educating yourself.
Please share this information with others! The more people that are aware of this information, the better!
Knowledge is power!
All the content here is solely for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your medical practitioner if you have concerns. The information, suggestions or remedies mentioned on this site are provided without warranty of any kind; whether expressed or implied. This information is provided so that you can make truly informed decisions.