Get Informed About Vaccines
The level of safety testing that is required for medications is not applied to vaccines. They are not required to show long-term health results. It is also not required for vaccines to go through safety testing side by side with a placebo. This is because they are classified as “biologics” as opposed to “medications”. So how much do you really know about vaccine safety?
In fact, the package insert for every vaccine clearly states, “[this vaccine] has not been assessed for carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, or impairment of fertility.”
Take a look at how the vaccine schedule grew larger after the 1986 Act was passed. Remember that it protects the vaccine producers, not the people who receive them.
It is also important to note that over 50% of the funding for both the FDA and the CDC’s Advisory Council on Immunization Practices comes from pharmaceutical companies.
If you didn’t already know. The FDA approves vaccines for use and the CDC determines which vaccines are added to the schedule.
That my friends, is called “conflict of interest.”
And to further add to this…the FDA does not do independent testing of what they approve for use. I did some digging on the FDA website and found how the process works. The process is not what I thought it was! When a pharmaceutical company wants approval for a product then they submit an application to the FDA with all of the information of the product (in this case vaccine). The FDA then reviews the data submitted and makes a determination from there. What is the incentive for the pharmaceutical companies to submit real and accurate date for the vaccines when they are not held liable for vaccine injuries?
Does any of this scream safe to you?! Because finding this out just led to more questions for me.

Vaccine Information and Articles
Here you can find vaccine manufacturer’s inserts for each vaccine, which again clearly states that, “[this vaccine] has not been assessed for carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, or impairment of fertility.” How much do you really know about vaccine safety? Most people are never offered to see the manufacturer inserts before being inoculated.
The Excipients in Vaccines
The “bulking agents” in vaccines are claimed to be the inert portions that do not have any effect on you. Within that list are the disease antigens (viruses or bacteria) that have been weakened or killed. They can be highly toxic although they claim they do not cause any harm. Especially to certain groups of people such as children, elderly, and those who are immunocompromised or have other comorbidities . If you would like an example, take aluminum. The amount of aluminum in vaccines is toxic and builds up in the brain. There is no safe limit of aluminum in the body. There is literally no function in the body that uses aluminum. That doesn’t sound like a harmless ingredient to me. Here is a list of the inactive ingredients in each vaccine:
The Laws Regarding Vaccines for School Attendance
Notice on this website that it states “recommendations” often. This is because no one can force vaccinations on anyone. Also know that mandates are not law. You still have the right to decline even if they are mandated. It is important for you to know your rights and the choices that you have. There are exemptions you can fill out if you would like to forego your child getting vaccinations and they would still be able to attend school. You can view this information per state here:
Vaccine questions for doctors
Do vaccines cause Autism?
Studies and statistics
Aluminum in vaccines
Pro-life and vaccines
Vaccines and SIDS
Disclaimer: All the content here is solely for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your medical practitioner if you have concerns. The information, suggestions or remedies mentioned on this site are provided without warranty of any kind; whether expressed or implied. This information is provided so that you can make truly informed decisions.