Do you know what’s in your conditioner? So, until we discover that almost all of the conditioners available at the big box stores are made with harmful substances that not only harm our health but sometimes even do the opposite of what we want to our hair. It appears that there are several dangerous components…
What’s in your products?
Have you woken up to all the chemicals in your personal care products yet? There are so many harmful ingredients in our personal care products these days that it is just appalling. I have slowly been trying to research these ingredients and trying to avoid the hazardous ones. I have also been trying to make swaps to safer and more natural products. It can seem like a daunting task and be overwhelming as there are many products to swap, but that is why I want to help others make these swaps. I know just how overwhelming it can be as I am right there with you.
What’s In Your Shampoo?
You’ve probably heard by now that some of the ingredients in your products are hazardous. Shampoo is regrettably no exception. Specifically, that so many common shampoos on the market include these substances and may be harming our health makes this list seem a little overwhelming and intimidating. However, just like anything else, when we know better,…
What’s in your lotions?
What’s in your lotions? The best way to keep your skin hydrated and moisturized is using lotions, but are they healthy for you and your skin? The good news is that there are alternatives that are healthy for you and non-toxic. The vast majority of lotions you’ll find on store shelves are NOT the safe…
What is in your deodorant?
Most people apply deodorant without a second thought. It is something that many people need and is part of their essential daily routine, right? We don’t often stop to think about what goes into making products such as these. So, when I found out that my deodorant contained chemicals and additives that could potentially be…
Is your laundry detergent toxic?
When my husband and I woke up to all the toxins in our products, the first thing we switched out was our laundry detergent. If I were to ask you, “is your laundry detergent toxic?” Would you be able to tell me? If you would have asked me a few years ago I would have…