In spite of the fact that doing the dishes is a vital part of daily life, it shouldn’t include exposure to several rather common and dangerous chemicals. When was the last time you looked at the ingredients in your dishwasher detergent? Would it surprise you to learn that the soap you use may be bad…
Dish Soap
In spite of the fact that doing the dishes is a vital aspect of everyday life, it shouldn’t include exposure to several rather common and dangerous chemicals. When was the last time you looked at the ingredients in your dish soap? Would it surprise you to learn that the dish soap you use may be…
What’s in your dish soap?
Let’s face it, washing dishes is a necessary part of daily life, but exposure to some relatively common and harmful substances shouldn’t be. When was the last time you examined what’s in your dish soap ingredients? Would it be surprising to you to find out that the dish soap you use can be harming your family’s health? Prepare yourself as…
Hand Soap
Any substance we put on our skin is quickly absorbed into our bloodstream, where it may do significant harm to our body without us even knowing it. Everyone understands how vital it is to wash their hands, but how frequently do you think about the chemicals in your hand soap? Or think they could be bad for our health? Using only the cleanest hand soap makes sense, doesn’t it? Especially when it comes to our children. If you haven’t gotten…
What’s in your hand soap?
Everything we apply to our skin is quickly absorbed into our bloodstream, where it may seriously harm our bodies. Everyone is aware of how important it is to wash their hands, but how often do you consider what’s in your hand soap for ingredients? Or believe they could be harmful to our health? Doesn’t is…
All Purpose Cleaner
Maintaining a clean, healthy house is not always easy. In the United States, all purpose cleaners are not subjected to stringent chemical testing. So your go-to cleaning products can be loaded with unfavorable chemicals. In actuality, 25 gallons of harmful chemical items are used annually at home by the average American. During an NRDC analysis,…
Face wash
Skincare products are not all made equal. Most items on the market today have a dictionary-length list of harmful and questionable substances linked to them. If you need with learning what they are then visit my post of ingredients to avoid in face wash here. The issue? You may not always be aware of these…
What’s in your facewash?
It might be difficult to determine which cosmetics and skin care products are best for your skin among the millions available. The long-term consequences of several chemicals used in skin care are still up for debate. Some have limitations on their usage here in the United States, while others have been banned in other countries….
What’s in your cleaning products?
Do you know what’s in your cleaning products? Did you know that cleaning companies are only required to report the active ingredients or “ingredients of known concern” in the US? Moreover, neither does the US Government require that cleaning product manufacturers do testing on their goods. All of this causes a lot of uncertainty regarding…
What’s in your body wash?
The skin is your body’s largest organ. Every day, it keeps you safe, but are you also keeping it safe? Our bodies absorb what we put on them directly into our cells, which can have an impact on our health. Occasionally, not right away, but over time, a buildup of harmful substances might result in…