Many people may find this hard to believe but there is evidence. Do you know the ingredients in the sunscreens that are available for purchase today? I am aware and I wasn’t happy with what I discovered. We will get into that more in a little bit. But first, do you think the rise in…
Why it’s important to be able to read food labels.
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to overlook the significance of why it is important to read food labels. Here is a link to information on how to read food labels. However, taking the time to understand the ingredients in the foods we consume can make a significant difference in our overall health and well-being….
7 Ways Heavy Metals Can Damage Your Brain
Every time you breathe, eat, drink, or touch certain materials, you are exposed to trace amounts of toxic heavy metals. While a single exposure is unlikely to cause harm, these metals can accumulate in your body over time and can lead to significant health issues, including cardiovascular disease, organ toxicity, and inflammation just to name…
7 Signs You Eagerly Need to Detox
By now, you’ve likely heard that detoxifying your body can have many great health benefits. A detox (when done right) helps your body eliminate harmful toxins like pesticides, heavy metals, VOCs, mold, etc. Over time, these toxins can accumulate in your tissues, and if not regularly detoxed, they can cause serious health problems. To avoid…
Wearing sunscreen is not always necessary as your skin is your natural sunscreen. The more you are in the sun and mind you, not wearing sunglasses, the more your body will produce melanin. Which is what causes your skin’s pigment to darken. Building up a tan slowly is how your body protects itself from the…
What’s in your sunscreen?
How can applying sunscreen be risky when it is meant to protect your skin? If you’re learning about the possible risks of a certain sunscreen for the first time, the news is definitely confusing. It seems illogical that we should be cautious of the armor we pick to protect our skin from the sun’s damaging UV rays at the same time as the…
How Your Gut Health Influences Your Brain and Mental Health
Have you ever experienced nervous butterflies before a job interview or important presentation? Or how about that “pit in your stomach” feeling when you realize you’ve just made a big mistake? These feelings aren’t just in your head. Underlying these sensations is a vast network of over 100 trillion microbes in the digestive tract and…
Fragrance Disclosure
Did you know there are secret, unlabeled, and often toxic fragrance and flavor chemical ingredients in many common personal care products? What Are Secret Fragrance Chemicals? Dozens, sometimes even hundreds, of chemicals can hide under one little word – “fragrance” – on the product labels of the beauty and personal care products you use every…
9 Ways Heavy Metals Can Enter the Body
We are exposed to thousands of harmful toxins every single day. This begins at life in the womb. Pesticides may be found in the food you consume, pollutants in the air you breathe, and a plethora of additional poisons that are hidden in plain sight. Heavy metals are among the most toxic substances that are found in so many places that you wouldn’t never suspect. Heavy metals include lead, mercury, cadmium, aluminum, and arsenic to name the most common ones. These metals can get into your body in a variety of sneaky ways, again, that you wouldn’t even…
Dishwasher Detergent
Sadly, very few companies would have met the requirements to not have the toxic ingredients that I have found so far and listed in my post here, but there are several other elements that make this situation a little more complicated. Certain dishwashers can’t operate with the “safer” brands without causing damage to internal parts. This…