Vaccines have been touted for decades as a safe and effective way to protect us from disease. They are credited with preventing countless illnesses and saving millions of lives. However, discussions about vaccinations don’t include the drawbacks and potential harms of vaccinating. These things are very important to take into consideration when considering vaccinating. So, keep reading to learn all there is to know about vaccines.
The Touted Pros of Vaccinating:
- Disease Prevention: Vaccinations are designed to stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies against specific pathogens. They help prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
- Herd Immunity: When a significant portion of a population is vaccinated, it creates herd immunity. This protects individuals who cannot be vaccinated due to medical reasons or those whose immune systems are weakened.
- Effective and Safe: Vaccines undergo rigorous testing before approval, ensuring they are both effective and safe for the general population. They have significantly reduced the prevalence of once-common diseases.
- Cost-Effective: Vaccinations are a cost-effective public health intervention compared to the expenses associated with treating vaccine-preventable diseases and their complications.
- Global Impact: Vaccination campaigns have led to the eradication of diseases like smallpox and the near-elimination of others, showcasing their global health impact.
I have many issues with the statements above. Diseases were said to be irradicated by vaccines. However, every disease that has a vaccine had been declining before vaccines were introduced. Then the vaccines took credit. Over the years people just seemed to forget about the past and have been listening to the “safe and effective” line of total propaganda. They are neither safe nor effective.

I am a nurse and in the 7 years I was working in a clinic I would see patients quite often coming in with shingles that had the shingles vaccine, patients with pneumonia who had multiple pneumonia vaccines, patients with influenza who get a flu vaccine every year and so on. These vaccines are not nearly as effective as they like us to believe. The shingles and pneumonia vaccines were said to have a 97% efficacy rate. If they were 97% effective, then why are so many people still getting these illnesses that were vaccinated against them?
It was a pretty common line I would hear from patients when asking if they wanted to update their vaccines, especially the flu vaccine; “I got the shot last year and still got the flu”. The flu shot especially is a shot in the dark. They guess on which strains MAY be prevalent for that year and put them in the vaccine. It is usually 4 strains in one vaccine when there are hundreds of influenza strains.
Informed Consent
Patients are supposed to be educated about the harms of vaccinating as well as the “benefits” of them. This is part of providing informed consent for patients so that they can decide to the best of their knowledge if the vaccine(s) are right for them. Yet, patients are rarely given the true cons of the vaccines. When asking multiple medical professionals that I worked with certain information isn’t included with informed consent I always got the same replies; “I don’t want to scare them into not getting the vaccine(s)”. Seriously? I found this response very ironic as they weren’t okay with providing information that could scare patients into not getting the vaccines, but they were perfectly fine with using fear so that patients would get the vaccines. Everyone deserves to know the harms they can cause so they can make the right decision for themselves.
What Finally Woke Me Up
When my oldest son was two years old, he had a febrile seizure and was rushed to the hospital where he had a second one. Since he had a second one, they kept him overnight for observation. When asked about why this happened, we were told it was unknown why these things happen, and it was most likely from him being sick and his fever rising too high and too fast caused the seizure to occur. Except, he wasn’t sick and he didn’t have a fever until we got to the hospital. I was young then and didn’t know any better and had total faith in the nurses and doctors and I didn’t question it.
Fast forward years later and my middle child started getting ear infection after ear infection. She never had one until after her kindergarten vaccines. Within the following year of the vaccines, she had SIX ear infections. Around that same time my youngest was showing signs of autism. The doctor shared in my concerns as well as diagnosing all three of my kids with asthma. What was going on?
I started doing more research and looking into autism. Autism is defined as neurological damage. He wasn’t born with the symptoms he was starting to display so I felt that was weird. What could have been causing this then? My research led me to vaccines and low and behold I found that all of these symptoms; the seizures, ear infections, autism, and even asthma; were all listed as vaccine side effects in some of the childhood vaccine inserts.
Guess what other severe reactions were listed? SIDS, among others. The “experts” say that SIDS is caused from an unknown cause yet there it is listed as a potential side effect of vaccines. This is just one example from the Infanrix vaccine.

Learning the truth about my children’s health conditions made me feel like I completely failed them as a mother. I was doing what I thought I needed to do to protect them and getting them vaccinated has caused them to become sick. Had I known my son’s seizures were caused from the vaccines he had recently gotten then I would have never went on to continue vaccinating him and then my second and third child as well. Learning the ingredients in the vaccines then made much more sense as to why they were causing so many issues. These ingredients are toxic to the body. Many are neurotoxins and some even known to cause cancer.
Safety Testing
Did you know that vaccines are not tested for carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, or toxicity? It says so right in the vaccine inserts. When a clinic gets a box of vaccines, each box contains an insert that has all of the information from the pharmaceutical company. It is required by law to include the information and yet patients never see this information unless they ask for it or they look it up themselves. How are these considered safe if none of these things are tested in the 7+ years they are being tested before approved for use by the FDA? To me, they can’t be! None of them are truly safe. Why do you think the law was passed so that pharmaceutical companies can’t be help liable for vaccine injuries? Click below to learn more about the many harmful ingredients they include.
Signed Into Law
In 1986, Ronald Reagan signed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) into law. This law created the VICP. The VICP protects the pharmaceutical company from liability related to vaccines. If someone suffers from a vaccine injury, they can’t bring a lawsuit against the manufacturer/pharmaceutical company. Instead, they must make a claim to the government, and then, they MAY receive compensation.
The VICP Has Paid $3.9 Billion in Compensation
Since it was founded several decades ago, the VICP has paid out $3.9 billion in settlements. Over 17,000 petitions have been evaluated, and over 6,000 people have won compensation for vaccine injuries and death. However, the government is very reluctant to admit fault on behalf of the vaccine manufacturers.
According to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 80% of the compensation that has been awarded has come through negotiations. HHS has not admitted that the vaccines were responsible for injuries in these situations.
The highest number of settlements have been awarded in cases involving the influenza vaccine. However, this may also be related to the fact that more doses of this particular vaccine are distributed every year. While many other vaccines are only recommended to be received once in a lifetime or once every ten years, the influenza vaccine is recommended to be received annually.
The VICP Was Created in the Wake of Numerous DPT Settlements
In the 1970s and 1980s, many people suffered vaccine injuries related to the diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (DPT) vaccine. Many of these injured individuals were able to successfully bring lawsuits against the vaccine manufacturers. Although the government hasn’t officially acknowledged error, these families won settlements in court. This indicates that indeed there was a connection between this vaccine and the injuries that ensued.
In the wake of these lawsuits, many pharmaceutical companies shied away from making the DPT vaccination. At one point, only a single company was making the vaccine. The government was worried about accessibility and potential public health issues, so they decided to create the VICP to protect the pharmaceutical companies and to encourage them to keep making vaccines.
Pharmaceutical companies themselves have claimed that vaccines are made unavoidably unsafe. So, with them having protection against injuries you need to ask, what gives them the incentives to really make them safe. Vaccines are very profitable. Hence why the schedule has grown so much over the years. You can view just how much by clicking below.
If you are still wanting more information than what I have listed here, then no worries. You can check out some of my other posts regarding vaccines by going here, here, and here. I am going to also include a ton more data that you can check out here. There is a lot of information to look through and it can be overwhelming. But please don’t make any decisions to vaccinate without looking through the information and having everything you need to make a proper fully informed decision.
If you or anyone you know has ever had a vaccine injury or any vaccine side effects, it is important to do a vaccine detox. If you have been vaccinated at all in your lifetime then it is important to do a heavy metal detox. Heavy metals can have detrimental effects on health and is largely responsible for SIDS in infants as they are neurotoxins.
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