The Harms of Heavy Metal Exposure
A heavy metal detox can be considered for ages 3 and up. It’s important to approach this topic with caution and under the guidance of a healthcare professional if you do not feel comfortable doing it yourself. Here are five reasons why a heavy metal detox should be considered for a child:
- Exposure to High Levels of Heavy Metals: If a child has been exposed to high levels of heavy metals, such as lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, or aluminum, a detox may be necessary. These metals can be found in contaminated soil, food, water, old paint, the air, and certain consumer products.
- Symptoms of Heavy Metal Poisoning: Symptoms such as chronic fatigue, learning difficulties, behavioral changes, and physical health problems such as skin and digestive issues (eczema, constipation, and more) might indicate heavy metal toxicity. A detox could help alleviate these symptoms if they are indeed linked to heavy metal exposure.
- Improvement of Neurological Function: Heavy metals can affect neurological development and function in children. Detoxing may help reduce the impact on a child’s cognitive functions, learning, behavior, and overall neurological health.
- Enhancement of Immune System Function: Heavy metals can impair the immune system, making children more susceptible to infections and illnesses. Removing these toxins from the body may help improve immune function and overall health.
- Prevention of Long-Term Health Issues: Chronic exposure to heavy metals has been linked to several long-term health issues, including kidney damage, bone density problems, and increased risk of certain cancers. A detox could potentially reduce the risk of these conditions developing later in life.

Removing Heavy Metals from the Body
A heavy metal detox aims to remove excess heavy metals from the body. This may contribute to improved health and well-being. It’s important to approach this with professional guidance. Improperly conducted detoxes can be harmful if unsafe supplements and means are being utilized. Here are some potential benefits of doing a heavy metal detox under appropriate medical supervision:
- Improved Cognitive Function: Heavy metals like lead and mercury can impair cognitive functions. Their removal may lead to improved memory, concentration, and processing speeds, contributing to better overall brain health.
- Enhanced Energy Levels: Accumulation of heavy metals in the body can lead to fatigue and lethargy. Detoxification might help improve mitochondrial function, thereby enhancing energy levels and reducing feelings of fatigue.
- Stronger Immune System: Heavy metals can weaken the immune system, making the body more susceptible to infections and diseases. Detoxing can help restore immune function, improving the body’s ability to fight off illnesses.
- Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases: Long-term exposure to certain heavy metals is associated with an increased risk of chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and some types of cancer. Reducing heavy metal levels in the body can potentially lower the risk of developing these diseases.
- Better Digestive Health: Heavy metals can disrupt the gut microbiome and impair digestion, leading to issues like bloating, constipation, and food intolerances. Detoxification may help restore healthy gut function and improve nutrient absorption.
- Decreased Inflammation: Chronic exposure to heavy metals can contribute to systemic inflammation, which is linked to many chronic health conditions. Removing these metals can reduce inflammation and alleviate related symptoms.
- Improved Skin Health: Skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis can be exacerbated by heavy metal toxicity. Detoxifying can lead to clearer skin and improvement in these conditions.
- Enhanced Detoxification Pathways: A heavy metal detox can help improve the body’s natural detoxification processes, making it more efficient at eliminating not just heavy metals but other toxins as well.
Physiological Effects of Heavy Metal Toxicity
Below you will find a very comprehensive chart that illustrates the various symptoms and illnesses that toxic heavy metals can lead to. Toxicity is one of the main causes for every disease. Toxins accumulated in the body will eventually cause the body to malfunction due to chronic inflammation and therefore, not be able to heal properly thus leading to symptom development. Heavy metals can wreak havoc on your microbiome (gut) and when the gut is out of balance, so is the rest of the body. To reverse these symptoms, you need to treat the root cause and detox the heavy metals and other possible toxins and therefore heal your gut.

Heavy metals detoxing can be very easy and effective if done correctly. My favorite things to use are Ionic Foot Detoxes, my molecular hydrogen water ionizer, and all natural detox supplements. If you want more information on the detox supplements you can find them here. I personally use these supplements for myself, my husband, and my three kids. I have seen incredible results for all of us.
What Detoxing Can do for Kids
My daughter got her kindergarten vaccines and the year after that she had gotten 6 ear infections. SIX in the span of just one year! (Yes, ear infections are listed as potential side effects of vaccines due to the heavy metals and adjuvants in them and you can read more about that here). She had never even had one before that either. She was also struggling with reading and comprehension in school. Since detoxing, she stopped getting ear infections and her reading improved significantly after just one week of the detox.
My oldest son was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 8 years old and struggled with school ever since. I didn’t like him taking the meds, but I also didn’t want him to struggle in school, so I was nervous to go off of them. However, the meds can also damage neurological function and after learning that we finally decided to stop them and detox. Since detoxing, he has been excelling in school and has had no issues focusing even though he is no longer taking the medications. He is now in high school, and he no longer complains about going to school and having the struggles he once had.
My youngest son I saw the most changes in of my three kids once he detoxed. Before he was school age I had started to notice some signs of possible autism. He was very quiet, withdrawn from other kids, he would get upset when we needed to leave the house, he would line up his toys and if anyone touched them, he would have an emotional meltdown. He also didn’t like wearing clothes and would only walk on his tip toes.
Once we detoxed him every one of those symptoms improved and many went away altogether. He is social and loves playing with other kids now. He also loves learning. Meltdowns no longer happen when we need to leave the house and has no problems wearing clothes when they are needed! He still prefers to be in his undies at home because he gets hot, but he no longer hates the feeling of wearing clothes in general. The tip toeing stopped a little over a week past starting the detox.
What Detoxing Can do for Adults
My husband was struggling with severe allergies, asthma and struggling to lose weight. After detoxing his allergies and asthma have both significantly improved and he’s lost over 50 pounds in just a few short months, and he isn’t done! This isn’t the only thing he has done since, but it was the first step that got things moving.

For myself, I had more severe and concerning symptoms as you can see above. Various ones would come and go which made it very difficult to figure out what was going on. I finally started doing my own searching for answers. This was because doctors were not getting anywhere and with each prescription, I was feeling worse and worse. I wanted real answers and solutions! At one time I was on 25 prescriptions, and it was out of hand. I found the symptom list that’s shown above for mercury toxicity, and it fit many of my symptoms. With that in hand I saw a naturopathic doctor. She confirmed my suspicions of mercury toxicity along with lead, cadmium, arsenic and mold (mycotoxins).
From there I started a whole-body detox and the symptoms improved almost immediately. They started disappearing one by one until I was off each one of my medications within a months’ time. After that I also started implementing ionic foot detoxes and that has helped improve my health even more. If you are unfamiliar with what that is or what that does you can learn more here.
My Reason Why
I struggled with my health for so long and times I wanted to give up. I was so miserable. Being in my early 20’s when it started, I felt like I was not living a good quality life. It caused severe depression and anxiety at times that were almost unbearable. That was the real push to get answers. I no longer wanted to live my life the way I was living it. I knew there had to be real answers and solutions to my problems. And I found them! Which is why I am so passionate now about teaching others about all of these toxins in our lives and how to heal from them. Had I not witnessed all the benefits firsthand I wouldn’t have believed it if someone just told me. This is why I share these natural detox supplements with others. They have quite literally changed mine and my family’s lives.

Disclaimer: This blog contains some affiliate links. This means that if you decide to click a link and make a purchase then I would earn a small commission without any extra cost to you. Also know that I will only recommend products that I believe in and would use or have used personally. For more detailed information you can see my full disclosure here.
All the content here is solely for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your medical practitioner if you have concerns. The information, suggestions or remedies mentioned on this site are provided without warranty of any kind; whether expressed or implied. This information is provided so that you can make truly informed decisions.